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How To

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Gravity Forms and Dropbox

How to… Send Form File Uploads to Dropbox

By Brenda Barron

Need to create a form that allows visitors to upload files on submission? With the Gravity Forms Dropbox Add-On, you can safely store and easily manage any files uploaded via your forms.

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How to… Create a Mailchimp Signup Form

By Brenda Barron

An email list, full of qualified leads, is one of the most important marketing assets in your arsenal. Find out how to grow your mailing list with Gravity Forms and our Mailchimp Add-On.

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Embed form WordPress

How to… Embed a Form in WordPress

By Brenda Barron

Gravity Forms makes it super easy to embed a form in WordPress. We discuss the different embed options available, as well as share other top tips on how to get started with Gravity Forms.

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Spam Filtering

How to… Filter Spam Form Entries with Akismet

By Brenda Barron

Filter out spam form entries with the new Gravity Forms Akismet Add-On. Let Akismet work on detecting spam entries for you, so you can get on with more important aspects of your business.

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Activity Logs

How to Keep a Log of Changes in Website Forms and Gravity Forms Settings

By Gravity Forms

Learn about why an activity log of form activity is necessary on WordPress sites, how the WP Activity Log plugin works, what information it can track, and how to install it on your website.

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Custom Notifications

How to… Configure Custom Notifications

By Brenda Barron

With the Gravity Forms Notification feature, you can get notified on new submissions and give your visitors and users a timely response, as well as send notifications to your users, and more!

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How to… Configure a Custom Confirmation Message

By Megan Jones

Custom confirmation messages for your forms are quick to set up and can go a long way to enhancing the experience your users receive on your site. Find out more about confirmations…

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How to… Add Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 to Your Forms

By Megan Jones

Find out how Google reCAPTCHA can help to reduce the number of spam form entries you receive, and importantly, how to add Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 to any of your WordPress forms.

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Save and Continue Feature

How to… Create WordPress Forms with Save and Continue

By Brenda Barron

Boost form conversions for longer forms with the built-in Save and Continue feature. Allow users to save their progress, and return at a later date to complete the form. Find out more…

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gf-Conditional Logic v1

How to… Use Conditional Logic to Create Smarter Forms

By Brenda Barron

Adding complexity to your forms doesn’t need to be a struggle, especially when you can use conditional logic within Gravity Forms. Find out more about how to use conditional logic…

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Create a Quiz

How to… Create a Quiz for Your WordPress Website

By Brenda Barron

Think quizzes are just a fun pastime? Think again! A quiz has many benefits for your business and website, helping you to learn a lot about your audience and generate leads at the same time.

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Online Payments

How to Accept Online Payments with an Appointment Booking Form

By Gravity Forms

Are you in need of a reliable solution for accepting online payments for appointments? Then look no further, because with Gravity Forms and Simply Schedule Appointments you can do just that!

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